Ezekiel Ira Nunez


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences with a focus in Data Science at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2026.

Interests: Data Science, Cyber Security, Language Learning, Bouldering


Foodie Finders 2024

A website designed for students or foodies to find the best place to sate their cravings.

Javascript Database Web Development

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Rock-Paper-Scissors Simulator 2023

A simple Rock Paper Scissors game simulator which implements the use of Java Graphics

Java Simulator

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Survival Game 2016

A survival game which gets increasingly harder with the amount of time survived coded via Snap!

Snap! Video Game

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Just the Beginning

02 May 2024

An Appreciation of UI Frameworks One of the most important things that I learned in this class was the idea of UI Frameworks. UI Frameworks are basically tools or foundations for designing User Interfaces. In our class, we used UI...

Software Engineering Education

Use the Tool to Learn the Tool

01 May 2024

I. Introduction The rise and development of AI has taken the world by storm with concerns of plagiarism and academic dishonesty worries on the rise. Although most news articles and some educators will be worried about how AI can be...

Artificial Intelligence Education Software Engineering


25 Apr 2024

Block Games Design patterns are basically the block games that you played when you were just a young lad learning motor skills. The clueless baby will spend hours pondering and drooling wondering how to put a triangle block inside of...

Java Design Patterns


20 Feb 2024

A Big Blue Green World In this diverse, amazing and vast world, there are a variety of different naturally occurring beauties and marvels which can be admired. From the glistening Caribbean ocean to the snow-capped Himalayan Mountains, these things are...


We Have Standards Here

07 Feb 2024

One of the most important things to have for anything that requires some sort of collaboration is to have a standard. Whether or not it’s unifying a country with currency, using the same vernacular for a hobby, or writing academic...

Programming Learning Basic Human Hygiene

Why Use Many Word

25 Jan 2024

When Little Word do Trick? One of the most important things in pretty much all aspects of life is effective communication. In the programming world, I’d wager that most people would probably prefer straight-to-the point and clear communication. Being able...

Questions Learning