For my ICS 211 class which was taught in Java, our professor tasked us with making a simulator for the classic game of Rock Paper Scissors. This was to teach us the basics of implementing graphics and action listeners. Even though the game itself was pretty simple, the total amount of code accumulated to 250+ lines. Although a majority of those lines were beautifying the actual game window itself, it taught a pretty valuable lesson in appreciating how good things look nowadays online.
The layout of my game window is pretty simple when it is run, but the thing I was most proud of was how I basically made it into dark mode. Graphic design is actually NOT my passion so being able to make something that doesn’t look like it comes from a website designed before 2000 was great. Here is the game window:
As you can see, it’s pretty comprehensive in all the data being inputted and outputted. The only thing that it doesn’t show to the player is the metadata surrounding the player/cpu choice given a specific turn. However this was actually written into a file if the player is curious to see it.